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165, Rue de la Pompe
75116 Paris - France

.Tel : 0033 (0)1 71 60 04 03
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marcin golecDoctor of Law Marcin Golec, obtained a Master's degree in Business Law at the University Paris XII, became a holder of Phd in private law under the direction of Professor Georges DECOCQ, dealing with competition law and the Humans rights. He also gained experience at the Competition Authority and the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.

For several years he held a teaching position at the University of Paris XI and participated alongside Professor Bartholomew MERCADAL in the IDEF code development work annotated OHADA of which he is a collaborating author. He has also written numerous articles on business law in Africa.

Possesion of a wide range of skills, extensive knowledge and experience in business law, allows Me Marcin Golec to intervene in commercial law, competition law, distribution and consumption, employment law and corporate law, new technologies and intellectual property rights.

As Me Marcin Golec is sympathetic and conscious of subjects concerning Humans Rights, he also intercedes in cases concerning foreigners rights and most general the defense of individuals liberties.